HBC Community Earning & Referral Program

Honey Badgers Club
2 min readMar 3, 2022

Honey Badgers Club is community driven NFT project! And let’s collaborate and push the project forward faster together!

Honey Badgers Club NFT Project is forming and growing by our community members!

We believe that HBC community and its soul is very strong and we have power to grow this project by help of our family members. So we decided that a new referral program would be an effective way to accelerate the project faster, reach broad audience & build awareness in the NFT space.

At this point we created a new channel in our Discord and we’ll keep this channel public for one week and collect participants for this program from now on. Join Discord and find the regarding message in #referral-program channel to be part of this program. This channel will be private for only program participants at the end of this time.

Discord Link — https://discord.gg/honeybadgersclub

Here is the program details:

  • Participants of this program will be given a custom unique url in the private channel in our Discord which is the link of HBC minting website where anyone can mint Honey Badger by your referral link.
  • If anyone mint by your referral link, you’ll earn 30% of mint price which equals 0.0231 ETH ($65 as of today) for each mint.
  • If you reach 5 referral, you’ll earn 1 Honey Badger NFT. (1 NFT for each 5 referral. e.g if you reach 15 referral, you’ll earn 3 NFT)
  • You’ll be entitled “PARTNER BADGER” role and there will be private $$$ giveaway contests exclusively for members of this role regularly.
  • One of the rarest Honey Badger will be given away one of to a lucky “PARTNER BADGER” role members.

We believe this program will push the project forward faster and we can reach broad audience by help of you.

To join the program;

JOIN OUR DISCORD HEREhttps://discord.gg/honeybadgersclub

If you have any questions just ask in questions channel in our Discord.




Honey Badgers Club

HBC is a collection of 9,999 randomly generated Honey Badger #NFTs — unique digital collectibles living on the Ethereum blockchain.